You are Welcome @ the Grand Opening!
With great pleasure we invite you to the
Official Opening of the European Bisexual Conference
When: Friday July 29, 2016
Starts at 9:45 and ends at 13.00
Free entrance
Where: Old Lutheran Church, Singel 411, corner Spui, 1012 WN Amsterdam
Sign language English-Dutch by Erika Zeegers-van der Weide (Het Roze Gebaar)
9.45 – 11.15
Sergio Belfor
Co Engberts, Boardmember Old Luthern Church
Evelyne Paradis, Executive Director ILGA-Europe
Irene Hemelaar, Director LGBTI-emancipation Amsterdam Gay Pride
Erwin Heyl & Barbara Oud, Chair and Programme manager EuroBiCon
The Official Opening by Simone Kukenheim, Vice Mayor of the City of Amsterdam
Vessel of Revolution
V.I.B. Angels
11.15 – 11.30 Comfort break
11.30 – 12.45
Panel Putting the B in LGBT*
Good practises on Campaigns, Pride, Research, Awareness and Institutional challenge
Anita Nanhoe, chair Rotterdam Pride
Leopold Lindelauff, çavaria (Belgium) on Institutional challenge
Raffaele Yona Ladu and Luigia Sasso, Lieviti (Italy) on Pride
Gerrit Jan Wielinga, COC (The Netherlands) on Campaigns
Valérie Baud, Bi’Cause (France) on Research
Carlos Castaño Rodriguez, Cogam and FELGBT (Spain) on Awareness
Thanks to translators: Soudeh Rad for Valérie Baud, Raffaele Yano Ladu for Luigia Sasso
Organised by: Hilde Vossen and Leopold Lindelauff, European Bisexual Network for Activists
Made possible by: Bob Angelo Fonds and Lutherse Kerk.